Archives Feature Stories
February 1, 2019
Many parts of the United States and Canada are currently in the grips of a polar vortex. This means people living in the affected areas are experiencing arctic temperatures and large amounts of snow. Since no one does cold weather better than Canadians, let’s “celebrate” the polar vortex with photos of students from Notre Dame Academy and candidates from Notre...Read more
December 27, 2018
The following excerpt taken from the chronicles of Villa Notre Dame (former motherhouse for Wilton Province) shows that the sisters in Wilton had a great sense of humor when dealing with an intrusive squirrel: “[December 1991, Provincial House] Of course, Richard (a maintenance worker) really dug them out of the wall after cutting a piece of the wall out. The sisters...Read more
November 28, 2018
Innermost By Sister Maura Eichner, SSND On the eve of hope, come, let us be silent as joy, certain as change, here before this Christmas tree. Tassels of wind hang secretly among berries and fruit and winter sun that warmed the boughs of this tree. Ghosts of butterflies delicately shadow a branch, melt like snow in the intimate dark of...Read more
October 31, 2018
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, which was a difficult period for the School Sisters of Notre Dame in North America and Europe, but for very different reasons. The School Sisters of Notre Dame was founded in Bavaria in 1833. The motherhouse for the Congregation was located in Munich and German was the...Read more
September 20, 2018
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 1918 Spanish flu, the deadliest pandemic in human history. Over the course of the pandemic, an estimated one-third of the world’s population was infected, and anywhere from 20 to 100 million people were killed by the disease. Death rates were particularly high amongst otherwise healthy adults ages 20-40. In fact, the disease...Read more
August 30, 2018
St. Michael At 5 a.m. of Oct. 9, the sisters at St. Michael’s gathered in the Chapel for Mass. The priest arrived “very much excited and in a fearful state.” He told the sisters that they were in danger if the winds turned directly north. He did not say Mass, but distributed Holy Communion to the sisters and left carrying...Read more
July 30, 2018
SSND and the Great Chicago Fire, Part I On the night of Oct. 8, 1871, a fire was started in the O’Leary barn on Chicago’s west side. The fire quickly spread and by the morning of October 10, roughly one-third of the city lay in ruins. The fire destroyed almost 18,000 buildings, left 100,000 people homeless and caused the death...Read more
June 27, 2018
Trials and tribulations School Sisters of Notre Dame were required to write a biography before they took vows. The biographies provide an interesting glimpse into the early life of sisters. Sister Vintilla Walczak, SSND, immigrated from Poland as a young woman and her biography tell of the trials and tribulations of that trip. Helen Walczak (later Sister Vintilla) was born...Read more
May 30, 2018
Construction of an important structure In 1894, the sisters purchased a 21-acre site near the Mississippi River, which they named Sancta Maria in Ripa (St. Mary on the Bank). The property included a ten-room mansion, called the “White House.” The house served as the convent for the sisters while the motherhouse was under construction. Additional historical information can be found...Read more
May 2, 2018
Back in time: Excerpts from the chronicles of St. Mary of the Pines The School Sisters of Notre Dame were required to keep chronicles or records of major events at each location where they lived and worked. The chronicles are very interesting to read, because they are little snapshots of history. Below are excerpts from the chronicles of St. Mary...Read more