Mission: Strengthen reading and math skills of at-risk students in the city of Milwaukee.
Did You Know?
The School Sisters of Notre Dame, eager to share their love of learning with at-risk students, began this tutoring program in 2004. Fifty volunteer tutors in 12 Milwaukee schools, public and private, help approximately 800 students to strengthen their language arts and math skills each year. These students are Rising Stars in the making.
You can volunteer by committing to tutor at least one hour a week during the academic year. You can share the joy of achievement with a struggling student. We invite you to partner with us in this transformative ministry and create a positive change in the lives of these students and their families.
Orientation is provided for all tutors. In addition we meet twice a year for sharing experiences, inspiration and appreciation.
Please contact the director of Rising Stars:
Laura Harvancik
262-787-1018 or
Email: risingstars@ssndcp.org
School Sisters of Notre Dame
13105 Watertown Plank Road, Elm Grove, WI 53122-2291
You can download the Rising Stars Volunteer Tutors Brochure here.