
November 9, 2022
When it was time for Nkiruka Geraldine to consider a future career choice, she had to look no further than the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) guiding and challenging her at Notre Dame Secondary School (NDSS) in Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria. Geraldine followed their example and became a teacher, ready to be that same positive influence for the next...Read more
November 4, 2022
SSND education is transforming lives in Milwaukee School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) have responded to urgent needs in their communities for nearly 190 years. As time passes and sisters transition to new roles, the role of lay people continues to grow. This has allowed SSND to partner with a variety of organizations and institutions that embrace the mission and...Read more
October 4, 2022
The feast day of St. Francis of Assisi is celebrated on October 4. St. Francis is the patron saint of animals and ecology because of his love for all creatures. For this feast day, we share with you a prayer resource for “Blessing of Pets,” created by Sister Gen Cassani. O God, in your creativity and gracious love all living...Read more
October 1, 2022
A special video messageThe School Sisters of Notre Dame was founded by Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger in Bavaria on October 24, 1833. To mark this momentous occasion, the congregation celebrates Foundation Day every year on this day. In the 189 years since, sisters have established residences, schools and missions in countries all over the world, working to build community...Read more
September 28, 2022
Written by Sister Carol Datz About 18 years ago, I attended the Icon Retreat at Enders Island in Mystic, Connecticut. We were led in the process by instructors from the Prosopon School of Iconography in New York City. They follow the Russian Byzantine tradition. Icons are rich in symbolism. They are windows into the divine. Western art portrays spiritual events...Read more
September 23, 2022
The Sonoran Desert, nestled in the southeast corner of Arizona, is a challenging environment of blistering hot days and chilly nights, mountainous terrain and dangerous animals. These obstacles make for a perilous journey for migrants, who are often unprepared for such hazards as they make their way towards the U.S.-Mexico border. Tragically, since the year 2000, nearly 4,000 men, women,...Read more
September 21, 2022
We take time during the Season of Creation to observe the International Day of Peace on September 21. Peace and right relationships are essential to promoting a culture of life and oneness with all creation. Achieving true peace entails much more than the laying down of arms. It requires the building of societies where all members feel they can flourish....Read more
September 13, 2022
This month, Sister Beatriz Martinez-Garcia will participate in the Transforming Education Summit, September 16-19, during the 77th Session of the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly. As the SSND non-governmental organization (NGO) representative at the U.N., Sister Beatriz works with other NGOs to bring a variety of urgent needs related to dignity of life and care for creation to the attention...Read more
August 22, 2022
Sister Marcianne Bzdon is a teacher at Newman Central Catholic High School in Sterling, Illinois. In her blog, Sister’s Spin, she shares this reflection on the upcoming school year. “‘…The time has come,’ the Walrus said, To talk of many things: Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax — Of cabbages — and kings —…’” So spoke the imaginative...Read more
August 16, 2022
In 1965, Mother Georgianne Segner, the provincial for the Dallas Province, was traveling to Wilton, Connecticut, to attend the School Sisters of Notre Dame Educational Conference. The SSND-ECs were annual events where North American sisters would attend lectures on various topics related to education and teaching. Along the way she had a very interesting encounter. The following was recorded in...Read more


November 9, 2022
When it was time for Nkiruka Geraldine to consider a future career choice, she had to look no further than the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) guiding and challenging her at Notre Dame Secondary School (NDSS) in Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria. Geraldine followed their example and became a teacher, ready to be that same positive influence for the next...Read more
November 4, 2022
SSND education is transforming lives in Milwaukee School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) have responded to urgent needs in their communities for nearly 190 years. As time passes and sisters transition to new roles, the role of lay people continues to grow. This has allowed SSND to partner with a variety of organizations and institutions that embrace the mission and...Read more
October 4, 2022
The feast day of St. Francis of Assisi is celebrated on October 4. St. Francis is the patron saint of animals and ecology because of his love for all creatures. For this feast day, we share with you a prayer resource for “Blessing of Pets,” created by Sister Gen Cassani. O God, in your creativity and gracious love all living...Read more
October 1, 2022
A special video messageThe School Sisters of Notre Dame was founded by Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger in Bavaria on October 24, 1833. To mark this momentous occasion, the congregation celebrates Foundation Day every year on this day. In the 189 years since, sisters have established residences, schools and missions in countries all over the world, working to build community...Read more
September 28, 2022
Written by Sister Carol Datz About 18 years ago, I attended the Icon Retreat at Enders Island in Mystic, Connecticut. We were led in the process by instructors from the Prosopon School of Iconography in New York City. They follow the Russian Byzantine tradition. Icons are rich in symbolism. They are windows into the divine. Western art portrays spiritual events...Read more
September 23, 2022
The Sonoran Desert, nestled in the southeast corner of Arizona, is a challenging environment of blistering hot days and chilly nights, mountainous terrain and dangerous animals. These obstacles make for a perilous journey for migrants, who are often unprepared for such hazards as they make their way towards the U.S.-Mexico border. Tragically, since the year 2000, nearly 4,000 men, women,...Read more
September 21, 2022
We take time during the Season of Creation to observe the International Day of Peace on September 21. Peace and right relationships are essential to promoting a culture of life and oneness with all creation. Achieving true peace entails much more than the laying down of arms. It requires the building of societies where all members feel they can flourish....Read more
September 13, 2022
This month, Sister Beatriz Martinez-Garcia will participate in the Transforming Education Summit, September 16-19, during the 77th Session of the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly. As the SSND non-governmental organization (NGO) representative at the U.N., Sister Beatriz works with other NGOs to bring a variety of urgent needs related to dignity of life and care for creation to the attention...Read more
August 22, 2022
Sister Marcianne Bzdon is a teacher at Newman Central Catholic High School in Sterling, Illinois. In her blog, Sister’s Spin, she shares this reflection on the upcoming school year. “‘…The time has come,’ the Walrus said, To talk of many things: Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax — Of cabbages — and kings —…’” So spoke the imaginative...Read more
August 16, 2022
In 1965, Mother Georgianne Segner, the provincial for the Dallas Province, was traveling to Wilton, Connecticut, to attend the School Sisters of Notre Dame Educational Conference. The SSND-ECs were annual events where North American sisters would attend lectures on various topics related to education and teaching. Along the way she had a very interesting encounter. The following was recorded in...Read more