Vocation Event & Activity Report Form

Change in Process

Please read before filling out this form.

Beginning with the March 2018 issue, we are implementing a temporary change in the process for submitting reports. We are asking each person submitting a report to also write the report in paragraph form so it is ready to be inserted directly into the newsletter template. Please scroll to the bottom of the form, where you will find a field for entering the written report. Please keep in mind that we try to follow standard AP style and journalism writing conventions as much as possible. We encourage you to try to follow these guidelines:

  • Most important or interesting facts in the lead paragraph – not necessary chronological.
  • Written in third person.
  • Include who, what, where, when why, how.
  • Include quotes with attribution (first and last names).
  • Short – ideally, about two-four paragraphs per report (ideally, about 50 words, more or less, per paragraph).