(Left to right) Sisters Bridget Waldorf and Juliette Daigle join Emily Lazor, theology instructor, in welcoming students to a display of SSND heritage at Cristo Rey Dallas in October 2023.
by Sister Bridget Waldorf, SSND
Photographs, books, dolls, videos, artifacts from around the world and more, were all part of my School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) exhibit at Cristo Rey Dallas (CRD) College Prep School (an affiliated ministry of the SSND Central Pacific Province) for three days in October, including Foundation Day. Sometimes I’m not sure where my ideas come from, but this one – an exhibit to share more of who we are as SSND in celebration of our 190 years – proved to be a welcome one.
With the help of SSND from both the Atlantic-Midwest and Central Pacific Provinces, staff archivists Grace Avila, Michele Levandoski, Sisters Carol Marie Wildt and Mary Ann Kuttner, as well as the SSND North American Vocation Team, I was able to put together a diverse display of SSND goodness for our CRD students, faculty, staff and visitors. Theology teachers showed their students this video marking our 190 years and then brought the students through the exhibit. The students were able to ask questions, identify favorite art pieces they saw, and read about some SSND connections to World War II, the Civil Rights Movement and the United Nations. There was a section of books written by and about SSND, including “Bitsy Bee Allergy,” “Aging with Grace,” the SSND handbook for teachers and directors of elementary schools, and many others. There was also a map noting all 27 countries in which we currently minister.
I am especially grateful to Sisters Gloria Cain, Juliette Daigle and Mary Anne Owens for serving as “docents” for the exhibit, to Sister Maria Gomez for her assistance in setting up the exhibit, and to all the SSND who contributed items to make the display so thorough and well-rounded.
The exhibit was well-received at CRD. Principal Nivea Torres commented, “It has been an excellent exhibit! We need to talk about doing others or inviting other guests on campus. I have gotten A LOT of feedback!”
For more pictures of the exhibit, click here. If you are interested in hosting the exhibit at your location, please complete this form.
Sister Bridget Waldorf is on the Campus Ministry staff at Cristo Rey Dallas. She is also a member of the SSND North American Vocation Team.