Shalom – JPIC Newsletter 2021

Shalom News North America

Shalom News North America is an e-publication of the Shalom North America Contacts (SNAC) of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. 

December 2021 - Ecological Spirituality; COP 26; Pesticides in the Pantry; Slavery; Child Labor; Human Rights; Migrants; Refugees; Immigration; Las Posadas; Violence Against Women; El Salvador Churchwomen; Gun Violence; Virtual Pilgrimages

November 2021 - Ecological Education; COP 26; Climate Justice; Climate and Migrants; Climate and Trafficking; Sacred Rights; Immigration; Black Catholic History; Poverty; Climate Change and Nuclear Weapons; Remembrance Day; Violence Against Women

October 2021 - Sustainable Lifestyles; Cry of the Earth; COP 15 - Biodiversity; COP 26 - Climate Change; Teachers; Mental Health; Day of the Girl; Poverty; Voices of Afghanistan; Who is my Neighbor?; Fratelli Tutti; Nonviolence; Civilize It; Restorative Justice

September 2021 - Ecological Economics; Season of Creation; IPCC Report; SDGs; Corporate Respect for Life; Labor Day and Trafficking; Helping Afghans; National Migration Week; Immigration Reform; Hispanic Heritage Month; 9/11; Peace Day; Restorative Justice

July/August 2021 - Cry of the Poor; Sustainable Development; Plastic Free July; Laudato Si' Conference; Healthy Planet, Healthy People; Sr. Kateri Tekakwitha; Displaced People; Human Trafficking; Indigenous Peoples; Gun Violence; Restorative Justice; Landmines; Hiroshima and Nagasaki

June 2021 - Cry of the Earth; Laudato Si' Conference; World Environment Day; World Oceans; Climate Change Indicators; Climate Displaced People; Child Labor; Racism; Juneteenth; Immigrants; Refugees; Military Spending; Nuclear Weapons; Torture Victims

May 2021 - Climate Summit; Climate Action; Laudato Si'; World Environment Day; Asian & Pacific Islanders; Immigration; Foster Care & Trafficking; Racial Justice; Fratelli Tutti; Seafarers; Election Laws; Death Penalty; Military Spending; Living in Peace; Ending Hate

April 2021 - Holy Week; Climate Crisis; Environmental Racism; Carbon Tax; Earth Day; Exploring Intersections; Laudato Si' +5; Immigration; Racial Justice; For the People; Immunizations; Blessing Same Sex Unions; Day of Silence; Asian-Americans; Gun Violence; Global Ceasefire

March 2021 - Climate Action; Laudato Si'; Spring Equinox; World Water Day; Care of Creation; International Women's Day; CSW65; Systemic Racism; Farmworkers; Immigration; Virtual Border Experience; Child Labor; Nuclear Weapons; Peacebuilding

February 2021 - Wetlands; U.S. Climate Policy; Laudato Si'; Inequality Virus; Black History; Systemic Racism; Immigration; Human Trafficking; Social Development; Girls in Science; Lent; Nuclear Weapons; Building Bridges; Nonviolence

January 2021 - Sowing Hope; Bill C-12; Faithful Climate Conversations; Microplastics; Poverty; Human Trafficking; MLK Day; Inauguration Day; Education; Immigrants; Vigil for Life; World Day of Peace; Religious Freedom; Nuclear Weapons; Let Us Dream