Sister Monica Jean Welniak decorating a cake, 1977.
Group of candidates, including Helen (later Joseph) Staab, taking a break from cleaning (probably taken at the Aisquith Street Motherhouse, Baltimore, MD) 1938.
Written on the photo: “Community at St. Mary's Special School [St. Louis, MO] 1954 - to show the local superior that the Community had been 'Angels' while she was gone to retreat." (top row, l-r) Sisters Alvin Marie Hagan, Dona Lally, Alix LeClerc Winkelmann, (bottom, l-r) Dolorine Dougherty, David Marie Fox, Anna Mary (Vita) Caronia and Lillian McCormack.
Sister Joanette Paleczny on the day she received her bachelor’s degree from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, November 1967.
A group of SSND at Villa Maria, Notch Cliff, MD enjoying a break during a meeting, 1970s.
Sister Lillian Nohava out riding a bike, 1958.
Sister Bridilia McCormick, who had served as teacher and principal at various schools in Ontario for over 50 years, on the day she retired, June 21, 1968. Photo taken at Notre Dame School, Kitchener.
Sister Gemma Maschek and a student at St. Martin’s Academy, La Mesa, CA, demonstrating how to use a fire hose at a fire prevention demonstration. The teams had to drag the fire hoses 60 feet before they were allowed to turn on the water. The Sisters won!
Sister Verena Krejci knew her way around a kitchen – she worked as a cook for 50 years at the Baltimore Motherhouse and Villa Maria, Notch Cliff, MD.
Sister Lumena Kieffer became a ham radio operator in 1956 and continued to make friends "over the air" for many years. Photo taken mid-1960s.
Sister Geraldine Collins on the day she was received into the novitiate, July 27, 1936, at Notre Dame Convent, Waterdown, Canada. The photo was part of a booklet about her life. It included the following caption: "All that greenery behind me is NOT part of my crown!"
A group of sisters, including Sister Antonino Cassano (seated, far right), during a celebration, undated.
Sisters Patricia Marie Griffin and Josephine Rivieccio enjoying a picnic outdoors, c. 1956-1958.
Sister Mary Impellizzeri enjoying some quality time visiting Sister Evangelita Witte, 1978.
Sister Janice Colgan (far right) and other sisters get an autograph from Bill Pellington, linebacker for the Baltimore Colts from 1953-1964, undated.
(left-right) Sisters Carlissa Sorger, Rosaria Grosam and Cosma Frank making dolls, c. 1950s.
Candidates Eva (later Sr. Mary Immaculate) Hecker, Grace (Richard Anthony) Schutte, Sister Ephrema Becker and an unidentified man shucking corn outside of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato, MN, c. 1945.
Sister Frances (Raymond) Hemker welding together pieces of a sculpture she was creating, 1966.
Sister Gertrude Marie Hagan receiving a present from Santa Claus.
Sister de Britto Hackenmueller pushing her blood sister, Sister Crescens Hackenmueller, in her wheelchair outside of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato, MN, 1990.
Sister Margaret (formerly Claverine) Bloss enjoying the sun with her students, 1957. The photo was possibly taken at St. Frances de Sales, St. Louis, MO.
Sisters Gregory Smith (left) and Gilmary Lemberg roller skating, while another sister laces up her skates, 1954.
A few sisters taking a moment to relax and play cards at St. Anthony of Padua convent, Ozone Park, NY.
Sister Clared Coyne getting ready to drive the bus while Sister Alix LeClerc Winkelmann comes along for the ride, St. Mary of the Pines, Chatawa, MS, undated.
Spending a nice afternoon rowing around the pond at St. Mary of the Pines, Chatawa, Mississippi, c. 1963-1969.
A group of candidates at the Milwaukee Motherhouse enjoying a sing-along in this undated photo.
A group of sisters celebrating Jubilee at St. Mary, Malden, MA, 1954.
Group of professed sisters with candidates on Guam, undated.
An unidentified sister doing a puppet show with children in Chicago, c. 1960.
Sister Maria (formerly Germaine) Gerlinski visiting with her parakeet friend, 1967.
Sister Brigid Mattingly picking rhubarb in the garden, undated.
Candidates Esther (Sr. Gemma) Belanger and Helen (Sr. Helen) Schneider were the first class of candidates to graduate from Notre Dame Academy, Waterdown, Ontario, 1939.