New school year reflection

Sister Marcianne Bzdon is a teacher at Newman Central Catholic High School in Sterling, Illinois. In her blog, Sister’s Spin, she shares this reflection on the upcoming school year.

“‘…The time has come,’ the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
Of cabbages — and kings —…'”

So spoke the imaginative mind of Lewis Carroll in “Alice In Wonderland.” Being of imaginative mind, one could imitate Carroll and say,
“The time has come,” school leaders say,
To talk of many things:
—of shiny floors and brand new books
and lots of other things!”

A summer has gone by with its fun times and rainy days, its heat and cool breezes, and it’s time once again to open the books and begin the festivities of a new school year. Contemplating this year from a teacher’s perspective, one begins to wonder what it was like for Jesus to go to school. Certainly, as a young boy in Nazareth, He attended Synagogue School, learning of Jewish history, praying psalms, sharing wisdom with other young boys, and as the Gospel of Luke proclaims, “…growing in wisdom, age, and grace…” Perhaps these days, it is good to pray for those who will fill our seats, grace our athletic fields and move through our halls and classrooms, that they, too, will grow in wisdom, age, and grace in this new school year!

Learn more about Sister Marcianne and read more Sister’s Spin at