My name is Sister Lucy Njoki Waigwa. I am from Kenya, which is in East Africa. I currently live in a town called Bwiam, which is located in the Southwestern region of The Gambia.
What inspired you to become a sister?
I was inspired to become a sister because I felt a strong love of God that begged to be expressed by giving myself totally to God and to the service of humanity.
When and why did you join the School Sisters of Notre Dame?
On May 9, 2016, I was received as a postulant, and on July 3, 2020, I made my first profession of vows.
I was attracted to our congregation by our charism. I also encountered several SSND who demonstrated Christ made visible. This made me want to learn more about our congregation. Our rich diversity also gave witness to God’s presence among us. To this day, I still appreciate the sincerity and authenticity in us as School Sisters of Notre Dame, and I am happy to be part of our wonderful and blessed congregation.
Did you have a career before joining SSND?
Yes, I was a counseling psychologist and a lecturer.
Can you please share with us your academic background or degrees/certificates?
I have a diploma in early childhood education, bachelor’s degree in social ministry and a master’s in counseling psychology.
What is your current ministry with SSND, and what have been some of your previous ministries?
I currently teach English at Saint Edwards Upper Basic School in the Gambia. I am also the school counselor.
Prior to coming to The Gambia, I ministered at Our Lady Queen of Peace School Cape Coast in Ghana where I worked with children with various learning difficulties and offered guidance and counseling services to the school. I appreciated the rich cultural heritage expressed through the Ghanaian people. The various languages spoken and the rich traditions that they represent are handed down from generation to generation along with sound values that build the social fabric of the Ghanaian people.
What do you feel is the most important thing for people to know about the School Sisters of Notre Dame?
As our mission states, we proclaim the good news as we direct our lives for the oneness that Jesus Christ was sent. Our cultural diversity is our witness to synodality, emphasizing that people from different parts of the world can come together united by our Triune God.
What do you love most about being a SSND?
I love that I am united with my fellow sisters who share a common vision and mission of making Christ visible through our very being. It is a gift to see how God works in and through us in many parts of the world.
What is your favorite memory from your time with SSND so far?
My favorite memory of my time with SSND so far is when I made my first profession. Being a school Sister of Notre Dame, I also appreciate the gift of community where we journey together to reach the fullness of our potential. I have fond memories of time spent with my sisters as we share our lives together.
What has been most challenging for you as a SSND?
What has been most challenging for me is when unity is confused for uniformity. I believe that the spirit of God works in and through us in many diverse ways. The invitation is to see differences as gifts as we remain open to God’s grace and be grounded in the reality of the world around us.
Anything unique about yourself that not many people know?
I love mountain climbing. Prior to joining SSND, I hiked a lot. Climbing a mountain gives one ample time to contemplate. It is also a test of endurance and a great opportunity to connect with God.