Laudato Si’ Commitment Focus for January 15-March 3: Ecological Education

The SSND Guide to Laudato Si’ Commitment focus for January 15-March 3 is Ecological Education. The following is a short prayer and a sample list of ways to work toward that goal:

God of All, You teach us how to live so that others may simply live. Through our words and actions may we inspire others to do the same.

Suggested Actions:

  • Bring in expert speakers to lead conversations about care for creation.
  • Commit to reading a book or listening to a podcast about climate change. Organize a reading club that reads and discusses texts that deal with Care for Creation.
  • Subscribe to the UN News Climate Newsletter:

Of course, these are just a few of the myriad ways to take action. You may choose to implement one of those ideas, or they may serve as a jumping off point for an initiative of your own.