September 21, 2018
1:30 pm - 2:06 pm
Please join us in a Public Prayer for Peace
The International Day of Peace, is a day of special social justice focus for the entire School Sisters of Notre Dame global congregation. Join the School Sisters of Notre Dame and millions of people the world over as we observe a day of peace and nonviolence. Our prayer intention this year is The Right to Peace. As we join with the global community and SSND’s around the world to pray for peace, let us recall that each of us by baptism and vocation are called to be a channel of God’s peace.
Please join us at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21 at the Peace Pole at Notre Dame of Elm Grove. All are welcome.
The service will be outside at the peace pole on the front grounds/north side of the campus. If the weather is inclement, the service will be held at St. Mary’s Visitation Church, 1260 Church St., Elm Grove, Wisconsin.
For more information, download a flyer or contact Tim Dewane, or 262-787-1023.