We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. … We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.”The Earth Charter - Another World is Possible
These words are taken from the Preamble of The Earth Charter, a document that came about after a decade-long process of input from thousands of individuals and groups of many religions, races, nationalities and professions, as well as from people of different economic standing and social classes. The Earth Charter is “a shared vision of basic values to provide an ethical foundation for the emerging world community.”
Aware that we are world citizens, that we must identify ourselves with the whole Earth community as well as our local communities, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, at their international general assembly meeting in October 2002, committed themselves to study and reflection on the values and principles of the Earth Charter. To facilitate this effort, a small group of sisters planned and produced six study/reflection guides focused on the main sections of the Earth Charter using concepts and quotes from the Charter itself as well as scripture, poetry and other pertinent writings and resources.
In order to share them with a broader audience, the decision was made to publish them on the SSND website, from which they can be downloaded and printed. It is our hope that many more people will take advantage of this resource to help bring about a better understanding of what is needed to bring about a sustainable global community.
A copy of the Earth Charter itself can be found and copied from the web site www.earthcharter.org.
Sister Jeanne Wingenter, SSND
To view or download Earth Charter Study Guides click below:
- Earth Charter Study Guide 1:
Call to Transformation & the Earth Charter
- Earth Charter Study Guide 2:
The Scope of the Earth Charter
- Earth Charter Study Guide 3:
Relationship and Community
- Earth Charter Study Guide 4:
Making Connections & Making Choices
- Earth Charter Study Guide 5:
Democracy, Nonviolence & Peace
- Earth Charter Study Guide 6:
The Way Forward