The process of making a decision about your life with the help of the Holy Spirit is called “discernment.” It is a process of discovering God’s will for you.
Be in touch with yourself.
Discover yourself: your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, your gifts and talents.
Be in touch with God.
Know your image of God and PRAY often during the process. Learn to LISTEN to God in prayer and not merely ask God to listen to you. Listen, be honest and WAIT. The better you get to know God, the more you will be able to find the activity of God in all things.
The decision-making process itself.
Consider the reasons for (pros) and the reasons against (cons) of the decision. Discuss the choice with others whom you respect and trust, such as a spiritual director, teacher, parent, friend. Imagine yourself in the decision now…five years from now … ten years from now. Pay attention to your feelings throughout the process. Just do it: make the choice and know that it is YOUR choice.
Confirm your decision.
Experience PEACE in your final decision. Spend time in prayer for an extended period to see if the decision still seems right. If it is, there should be a continuation of inner peace and satisfaction which would continue over a long period of time.
We invite you to visit our Vocation Resources page for more information.