We are happy to be able to share Band of Sisters with School Sisters of Notre Dame for educational viewing in their schools and ministries and for private screenings in their communities. Please read the following license agreement before filling out your request below to borrow the video.
You may use the Band of Sisters video for private screenings of the film in classrooms for educational use with registered students in schools (elementary, high school, and college level) where SSND sisters minister, or for employees, clients and/or volunteers in their other ministries. The DVD may also be used for faith formation groups or classes, for vocation use, and for screenings for sisters in their convents or private homes.
This license excludes digital streaming rights.
You may not use the Band of Sisters in a setting where admission is charged, the screening is advertised, and/or members of the general public are invited and admitted.
You may not digitize, alter, stream, transmit, duplicate or reproduce the video by any means.