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The committee is grateful to everyone who submitted a logo idea in Fall 2019 for the Symposium on the Triune God. There were more than 24 ideas submitted! Some were original works of art, some were computer-generated designs, some were clip art found online, and some were quotes or phrases in text. Each submission was valuable and appreciated in the logo development process.
As it was not a contest, there was not a winner; rather the committee reviewed all the ideas and noted recurring themes, images and colors as well as how well each met the criteria outlined in the request for ideas. These items were discussed and the committee reached consensus on which elements they wished to see in the logo. Through an additional revision process, the final logo was developed and is as follows:
Some contemporary theologians affirm that the first revelation of our Triune God was in creation, where everything is in relationship through the interconnected energy of love. This concept is reflected in the logo for the SSND Symposium on the Triune God. Within an oval shape representing the orbits found in our multiverse, there are images of the cosmic explosion and the interconnected spiral found in all of nature (although sometimes invisible to the naked eye). The placement of the text extends the spiral into the symposium, which will invite us further into the mystery, energy, relationship, movement, oneness and love of the Triune God.