“What is the tallest mountain in the United States and how many meters is it?” With that final question, the North American Vocation Team (NAVT) closed out its Second Annual SSND Trivia Night to celebrate Catholic Schools Week. The online event brings together high schools affiliated with SSND as a way to deepen the connection among the NAVT, the students and campus ministers of the schools.
On Thursday, February 3, one or two teams of four participants each from four different schools had fun competing for a donation to their favorite charity. At the end of the evening, two teams took home top honors. Academy of Holy Angels (AHA), Demarest, New Jersey, had the highest overall score and Notre Dame High School (NDHS), St. Louis, Missouri, correctly answered the most SSND-themed questions. The other teams competing included Notre Dame Prep, Towson, Maryland, and Cristo Rey Dallas, Texas.
Each winning team was awarded a $100 donation to the charity of their choice and bragging rights for the year! AHA chose to donate their award to Caroline House in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and NDHS chose to donate to Beyond Borders, both SSND supported ministries.
The NAVT is grateful to David and Joe from “It’s So Trivial” for sharing their expertise and running the event. In a kind act, the two facilitators of the game also contributed a $25 donation.
Many thanks to these SSND sisters and associates who were either on a team or popped in to support their respective school: Sisters Jan Berberich, Nancy Gilchriest, Kathy Jaeger, Mary Roy Weiss and Associate Kathy Sylvester.
An added major benefit and goal for the evening was to foster connections among all in attendance. Although the participants were competing against each other, they also connected by singing their school songs.
The NAVT is already looking forward to another future trivia night and other ways to collaborate with SSND connected schools to foster connection among them.

The team from Academy of Holy Angels had the highest score overall!

The team from Notre Dame High School in St. Louis correctly answered the most SSND themed questions!