To celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2021, the SSND North American Vocation Team (NAVT) sponsored an online Trivia Night for SSND sponsored and affiliated high schools. On Thursday, February 4, eight teams of four from six schools had fun competing for a donation to their favorite charity. In addition to accumulating points for correct answers, including SSND trivia, the final round included a “Jeopardy-style” wager, allowing teams to risk some, none or all of their earned points ahead of receiving the last question of the night.
At the end of the evening, two teams took home top honors. Totino-Grace High School (Team 1) from Fridley, Minnesota, won the overall contest and Cristo Rey Dallas won for correctly answering the most Catholic religion and SSND-themed questions. Each winning team was awarded a donation to the charity of their choice and bragging rights for the year! The other teams competing included: Academy of Holy Angels, Demarest, New Jersey; Notre Dame High School, St. Louis, Missouri; Notre Dame Prep, Towson, Maryland; Saint Saviour High School, (Teams 1 and 2), Brooklyn, New York; and Totino-Grace High School (Team 2), Fridley, Minnesota.

Totino-Grace High School Team 1 had the highest score overall!
The NAVT is grateful to David and Joe from “It’s So Trivial” for sharing their expertise and running the event. The team is also most grateful to students and staff who gathered for the evening.
An added major benefit and goal for the evening was to foster connections among all in attendance. At the half-time break, Sister Carol Jean Dust, SSND, invited students and guests to share how each school celebrates SSND occasions, and about each school’s outreach service project involvement.

The team from Cristo Rey Dallas correctly answered the most Catholic and SSND themed questions!
Following the contest, the NAVT received several positive comments. “The girls loved the trivia, but more importantly just loved being in community with all of you!” “It was a lot of fun! Looking forward to future collaborations.” Indeed, the NAVT concurs and is already looking forward to the Second Annual SSND Trivia Night and other ways to collaborate with SSND connected schools to foster connection among them.