Click here for the SSND Atlantic-Midwest Province Integral Ecology Lenten Fast.
The following Lenten reflections, prepared by the SSND North American Vocation Team, are based on You Are Sent, the Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. (Print PDF)
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The Lenten season brings us the opportunity to look more carefully at our life journey and our relationship with our God who infinitely loves us.
- -At this beginning of Lent, from what must I empty myself in order to walk the journey free of selfish desires and clinging to nothing but the Lord?
- -What grace do I desire to be stirred up to walk this journey more freely?

Often we are afraid to admit weakness and instead attempt to control ourselves, others and the circumstances of our lives. Lent reminds us that it is God’s action, not ours that renews and saves.
- -What weak and broken parts of yourself is God inviting you to entrust to his care this Lent?
- -What might you need to release in order to receive this unconditional love?

Where have I felt God’s encouragement and invitation?
What helps me respond wholeheartedly to God’s transforming grace in my life?
For what grace do I need to pray?

As we continue on this Lenten journey, what is one conversation that I should have in order to have a conversion of heart?
For which grace do I need to pray so that conversation may help me to return to love?

Listening, openness, pondering...all these stances of Mary’s led her to saying “Yes” to God in a most profound way.
In what part of the day can I set aside moments for listening, pondering and being open?
Can I, like Mary, find it in my heart to desire that God’s will be done, and in doing so, bring Christ’s presence to the world?

As this Lenten journey continues, what part of the pattern of Christ’s life am I called to make more my own?
What grace will aid me to take those next steps?

As we enter into these holiest of days, what specific action will I take to bring about reconciliation and unity?
For what grace will I pray this week
so that I might possess a keener awareness?