Shalom – JPIC Newsletter 2019

Shalom News North America

Shalom News North America is an e-publication of the Shalom North America Contacts (SNAC) of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

December 2019 - Resource Extraction, Climate Strikes, COP25, Paris Agreement, Safe Third Party, Welcoming Strangers, Immigrant Wealth Test, National Migration Week, Human Trafficking, Child Sexual Abuse, Genocide, Human Rights Day, Gun Violence, Capital Punishment, Nuclear Weapons

November 2019 - Climate Change Legislation, Climate Change and Food, Environment in War, Buy Nothing Day, Racism, Inhumane Immigration Policies, Poverty, Economic Justice, Chocolate and Child Labor, Veterans Day, Tolerance, Child Abuse, Violence Against Women

October 2019 - UN Climate Action Summit, Climate Change and the Oceans, Feast of St. Francis, Synod on the Amazon, Refugee Acceptance Cap, Talitha Kum on Human Trafficking, Day of the Girl, Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day, Harvest of Justice, Record Income Inequality, Eradicate Poverty Day, International Day of Non-Violence, Sustainable Development Goals, World Disarmament Week, UN/SSND Foundation Days

September 2019 - Season of Creation, Endangered Species, Ozone, Clean Up the World, Climate Action, Labor Day, Catholic Day of Action, Literacy, Migrants & Refugees, Hispanic Heritage, Racial Justice & Peace, Day of Peace, Nuclear Weapons

July/August 2019 - Climate Apartheid, Our Common Home, Season of Creation, Trafficking in Persons Report, World Day Against Human Trafficking, 71 Million Displaced People, Migrant Facilities in U.S., Civil Rights and Racism, Indigenous People, Youth Voices, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Global Peace Index

April 2019 - Saint Kateri, Canada's Climate, Earth Day, Arbor Day, EPA Action Alert, Sexual Assault, Migrants, World Health Day, SNAP Action Alert, Mine Awareness, Remembering Rwanda, Principles of Nonviolence, Pacem in Terris

March 2019 - World Wildlife Day, Forests, World Water Day, Earth Hour, Emergency Declaration, Women's Day, Racial Discrimination, Nuclear Weapons, Lenten Resources, Gaudete et Exsultate, St. Romero - Right to Truth

February 2019 - Doomsday Clock, Carbon Tax , Green New Deal, Black History Month, Rosa Parks, Human Trafficking Resource, Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking, St. Josephine Bakhita, Refugee Resettlement, Women and Girls in Science, Peace Building, Social Justice, Bullying

January 2019 – COP 24, EPA Rule Changes, Migration Global Compact, National Migration Week, Racism Resources, Trafficking Prevention Month, Trafficking Legislation, Poverty Awareness, Religious Freedom, March for Life, Day of Peace Message, MLK Day