"We educate, advocate, and act in collaboration with others for the dignity of life and the care of all creation." ~Love Gives Everything
The racism and domestic terrorism that took the lives of our brothers and sisters the weekend of August 3-4 must be uprooted. We cannot allow ourselves to be numbed by yet another unspeakable mass murder. This time, we must stop, reflect and make a determination to do something. To that end, the Shalom-JPIC Offices of the Atlantic-Midwest and Central Pacific Provinces have collaborated on a reflection and action resource for you. Let us renew our resolve to make our lives and our actions be a tangible manifesto of love, inclusion, peace and justice.
Domestic Terrorism in the United States - A Resource for Reflection and Action
Prayer for Mercy in a Time of Violence
Even as we pray for the victims, survivors, and their families and communities, we know that we must do more. We must act to prevent such violence from happening again. The United States is the only developed nation in which mass violence is a commonplace occurrence. Studies repeatedly show that the only variable that influences this statistic is the high volume of - and easy access to - firearms. Gun violence should not be the norm in our nation, and there are common sense reforms to be made that would curtail it.
Click here to take action: Urge Congress to enact common sense gun reform!
This SSND Shalom Action Alert will take place through Voter Voice, our platform for advocating on issues of concern to the School Sisters of Notre Dame. When Shalom contacts send alerts asking you to take action in the United States, Guam or Puerto Rico, you will be directed to a page on the SSND website. There you will find an explanation about the issue and directions for taking action. They also will provide suggested text, written from an SSND perspective, for your letter or a script for a phone call. When you finish and submit a letter, it will automatically send to the selected recipients.
Shalom takes a prophetic stance by joining its voice with those who cry for justice and by providing a voice for those who are voiceless in their struggle for justice. It is action-oriented. - SSND Shalom Document