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Sister Carol Jean Dust, SSND

“We are called and sent to deepen communion with God and among people wherever we are…” These words from our SSND Constitution reflect my call to religious life and the journey henceforth. Taught by our sisters from primary school forward, I tasted their joy, their love for one another, their dedication to people they served. God’s call was revealed to me in that life experience. Sent then in mission, the call to deeper unity of all in God has always captured my heart – serving in the U.S., Honduras, and ministering around our international congregation. You are, too, invited to be one with us!

Sister Jill Laszewski, SSND

What I love about SSND is our shared life in mission, where prayer, community life, and ministry are part of the whole of our lives. We are called daily to embody Christ’s love, to care for the “other,” especially the marginalized, and to transform lives through education, all to bring about the oneness for which Jesus Christ was sent. Vocation discernment is a process that takes time, prayer, involves others, explores deep questions, and calls for deepening trust. Ultimately, my heart found a home with SSND, and I am grateful. Are you listening for God’s call?

Sister Bridget Waldorf, SSND

What continues to draw me to the School Sisters of Notre Dame is the idea of relationship – relationship with the Triune God, my sisters in community and with all Creation. Our spirituality originates from a deep desire for relationship with God. As one of our General Superior’s wrote, “holiness demands that we respond faithfully to God’s call by following Christ through loving God with our whole heart, mind, soul and being, and through loving our neighbor as ourselves.” This is what excites me – to be missioned in community for this call to holiness and for the life of the world. If you’re wanting to talk about your call to holiness, I am open to doing that with you.



I joined the School Sisters of Notre Dame because of my desire to devote my entire life to the service of God and all of Creation in every respect. I have received so much love and care that moves me to share my gifts through education in its broader sense and to strive for unity wherever I find myself. Do you hear the tiny whisper of the Spirit in your heart calling you to dedicate your life for God’s creation? Then SSND is the place for you to unwrap your gifts and pursue God’s cause! I live in Ghana, West Africa.



I like the SSND spirit, discerning the signs of the time communally, one heart and one soul, internationality, and the innovative way to follow Jesus. In spite of our individual smallness and powerlessness, I have a hope in our collective future. For Jesus will be with us as he said and makes us his yeast to work and to realize a better world for all people and for all creation. I think that this is calling each of us to work with him for it. I am happy to discern with you a call to religious life.